Rick Bynaker, CPA

Accounting, Consulting and Tax Preparation

2500 N. Granada St.
Arlington, VA 22207
703-TAX-PLUS (703-829-7587)

Services Offered


Since I am a one-man operation at this point, I have to play the part of an entire firm. So I've designed my rates to be appropriate for the type of work performed. Since every business is unique, special pricing may be available depending on your needs. These prices are approximate and may vary on a case-by-case basis. For tax preparation services, in addition to the hourly rate there will also be processing charges based primarily on costs of the tax software:

Description \ Effective Date 1/1/23 1/1/24
Accounting Services $70/hr. $70/hr.
Tax Services $120/hr. $120/hr.
Tax Processing (Fed) $65 $70
Tax Processing (per state) N/A N/A
Minimum charge for tax preparation $185 $190



Rick Bynaker, CPA
This page last revised January 4, 2024.
Other pages last revised December 3, 2022.